Syndicate Room

Equity crowdfunding has democratised investment in startups, helping entrepreneurs to make their business visions a reality and allowing individuals to invest and become real-life ‘Dragons’.

While many platforms have sprung up, at SyndicateRoom we have developed a unique model with benefits you can’t find anywhere else.

Here’s why: we only list companies that are already backed by professional ‘business angels’, who are investing their own money and thus have taken an active role in evaluating the strength of the deal. We then offer our members the ‘same share class and same price per share’ if they decide to invest alongside these professionals.

We believe this curated and transparent approach allows our members access to a more sophisticated set of investment opportunities.

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2016 – Finalist for Industry Game-changer
2016 – Finalist for Best Investment platform
2015 – Shortlisted for Best Investment Platform
2015 – Shortlisted for Industry Game-Changer
2015 – Winner of Best Investment Platform